Raised garden beds are extremely popular these days, however, some beginning gardeners ask themselves why they need raised beds at all. At first glance, they do not seem to offer much advantage over planting directly into the ground. If one conducts a quick search on...
The Holz Hausen firewood stack is a method used in Europe that is becoming popular in the United States. In Germany, they might refer to it as a Holzmiete. In the United States it is also known as a round house, a beehive stack, or “stacking in the round.”...
As mentioned in my previous rant on Instant Coffee, I wanted to put together an article about how to easily brew bistro quality coffee using very basic equipment. So here it is! This thing is, you don’t need to have fancy equipment to make some of the best...
A wood burning stove can be a wonderful addition to the home during the winter, but it can be difficult and time consuming to start the fire and to keep the sucker burning, and burning efficiently to boot. I’ll discuss how to keep a wood stove fire burning for...
At Try Backyard Farming, we routinely discuss, in depth, ways to maintain your urban and suburban property using permaculture techniques that work along with nature, rather than trying to fight against it. And much of what we discuss is converting unused lawn sections...