Lightweight portability, small-space friendly, raised bed alternative: three reasons to try cloth grow bags. Many people are turning to these fabric containers for use as raised bed planters. It is essentially a form of container gardening where the emphasis is on the...
This is a public service announcement of sorts. I saw something about this a couple of months ago, but a new post by Smithsonian magazine just caught my attention. Of serious concern, birds in the Mid-Atlantic, Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana are dying and scientists...
So, how are your gardening plans going? If you want to grow outdoors but whimper at the prospect of all the bending and kneeling with a traditional or even a container garden, why not consider a keyhole garden? A keyhole garden is a raised circular garden with a...
In this COVID-19 crisis, perhaps it’s occurred to you that 1) you’re really glad you started gardening or 2) you’re really wishing you had a home garden. If neither thought has occurred to you, I’ll see if I can do a little prompting here by...
Winter’s on its way and the daylight hours are fading fast. Kinda SAD, isn’t it? What’s really sad is that SAD – Seasonal Affective Disorder – is more than a punny joke for nearly 10 million people. It can run the range of feeling a mild...