It was a gorgeous morning in Guatemala. I was about 12 years old and staying at my grandma’s house for the weekend. She lived in an old neighborhood in the capital city, and there was no space to have a yard. I was young and not really thinking about plants (yet). I...
Just days ago, I noted that the long-term forecast didn’t show much signs of winter – zero snow; and then Monday happened. Very pretty, wasn’t it? Unless you were among the many who got trapped in traffic. After enjoying the view and the silence...
Do you already have a couple of plants, maybe a little bit more than a couple, just one, or none at all? If you have a jungle inside your house like me… congratulations! Crazy Plant Lady is the new crazy cat lady. Don’t worry though because the Crazy Plant Lady or Man...
Permaculture people like to practice a “no till / no dig” policy in their gardening. Most folks in Permaculture agree that one should never till your soil for a number of good reasons. There are fascinating Youtube videos and articles out there on the...
Breeathhee deep. A simple, centuries-old remedy for reducing stress/anxiety, calming the nerves, and restoring energy. Olfactory gardens, also called scented, fragrant, or aromatherapy gardens, enhance this simple calming technique. They are designed with your nose in...
I’m not saying that the plant is whispering sweet nothings in your ear as you walk by it. While your plant babies may not verbally talk to you, a plant will actually physically change in appearance when it isn’t happy. While growing plants in your home and yard...