Chamomile has been valued since ancient times for its many beneficial properties and delicate scent (the name comes from ancient Greek, meaning ‘ground apple’). There are different types of chamomile but one, Chamaemelum nobile treneague – Roman chamomile, aka...
I don’t remember if they were there when we moved in, but the shrubs – Thujas – have been around a long time. One article describes their shape as narrow like a pyramid. I guess ours didn’t get that memo. They were wide, rotund almost. And at the...
Backyard Farming sounds crazy at first. Urban Farming or Urban Homesteading does not sound much better. We don’t want to be these people: It’s SO Tedious Yet, more and more people are beginning to see that there is a real benefit to growing our own food...
The September 2018 issue of Mother Earth Living highlighted a novel way to donate food beyond the annual end-of-year holiday food drives. If you’re growing food, you have the opportunity to combat food insecurity. Better than cash donations, backyard farmers,...
Raised garden beds are extremely popular these days, however, some beginning gardeners ask themselves why they need raised beds at all. At first glance, they do not seem to offer much advantage over planting directly into the ground. If one conducts a quick search on...
Tips and Methods of Growing, Caring for, and Harvesting Sweet Corn Sweet corn is a rewarding crop that comes with many benefits. It can be served as a healthy snack, a salad side dish, or be used for medicinal purposes. If you enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables, corn...